Young people from across Philadelphia have worked hard since October to put on an art show by teenagers and for teenagers in the heart of Germantown. more
A group of teens at Dobbins Career & Technical High School set out to make a documentary, Future Visions, investigating the root causes under the record levels of violence in the city. more
Urban Affairs Coalition, Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations, and Villanova University will present "Progress through Advocacy: From Issues to Action" on June 3rd. more
One of Philadelphia’s leading education advocacy groups wants the City Council to allocate more money to city public schools than the mayor has recommended in her proposed budget. more
Local doctors spoke out in favor of the Affordable Care Act, or ACA for short, and against the threat of former President Donald Trump imposing to repeal the bill. more
Suicide rates among U.S. adolescents have doubled in 10 years. Half of kids who take their own lives have never had access to any mental health services before making that terminal decision. more