Families sought to help improve child care education efforts

Pennsylvania families are needed to support and impact early childhood education coursework that is provided at colleges and universities across Pennsylvania.

This opportunity is supported by Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), through the Parents as Partners in Professional Development (P3D) initiative and the Early Childhood Education Professional Development Organizations (PDO’s).

Who is eligible to participate?

Family members who have young children who are currently enrolled in child care, Head Start or Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts are invited to apply to be part this cohort.

OCDEL is specifically looking for family members that have diverse experiences including:

  • Disability
  • Children receiving Early Intervention services that are also enrolled in childcare, Head Start or Pre-K Counts
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Multi-lingual
  • Families receiving childcare subsidy

What will family members do?

This cohort will be provided opportunities to connect with college and university early childhood professors to provide a family perspective.

Example activities may include:

  • Recording videos of your family story and/or family routines/activities.
  • Review of course materials.
  • Participation in an interview with an early childhood educator/student.
  • Participation in a panel presentation to an early childhood education class with other family members.
  • Present your experiences to a class (guest lecturer)

What supports will be provided to family members?

  • Family members will be compensated (paid) for their time and reimbursed for travel and child care expenses. 
  • The cohort will receive support and training related to this new initiative. (One full day, virtual training is required on Aug. 10, 2021.)
  • Individualized support and training will be provided as needed.
  • An opportunity to develop a resume that outlines the skills, knowledge, and experiences gained from their parenting journey.

Application Deadline: July 9, 2021

How can you help?

  • If you meet the eligibility requirements, please consider applying to participate!
  • Share the flyer with all families you know that meet the criteria.
  • Reach out directly, with a personal message to other families that meet the criteria. A personal invitation goes a long way.
  • Tune into the pre-application webinar on June 30, 2021, at 10:00 am (link is also on the flyer).
  • Tune into a webinar on June 30, 2021, at 1:00 pm for those to help with recruitment efforts. This will be an opportunity to have your questions answered, learn a little more about the initiative, and learn a few strategies to help recruit families.

For more information, email Sarah Holland.
