University offers survey on recruiting, retaining volunteers

Slippery Rock University professor Jeananne Nichols, DBA, invites you to participate in a faculty research study. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of why people volunteer. The end goal is to help non-profit organizations improve getting and keeping volunteers. 

In this research study, we ask you to complete an electronic survey if you are 18 or older. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you are free to withdraw your participation from this study at any time. The Institutional Review Board of Slippery Rock University has approved this survey. Participating in this survey should only take 15-25 minutes away from your busy schedule. The survey collects no identifying personal information of any respondent. All responses in the survey will be collected, aggregated, and saved anonymously.

Please know information collected in this study may help nonprofits better match volunteer opportunities with volunteer interests. If you have any questions regarding this survey or the research project in general, please contact Dr. Jeananne Nicholls. If you have any questions concerning your rights as a research participant, please contact the IRB of Slippery Rock University at 724-738-4846 or by email here .
