OCDEL offers two free carbon monoxide detectors to agencies

Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is providing two complimentary Carbon Monoxide Detectors for all certified child care providers in Pennsylvania.

Certified child care providers in Pennsylvania are eligible for two free Carbon Monoxide Detectors (First Alert – Battery Operated). OCDEL is making these detectors available but the ordering and placement of detectors is not a regulatory requirement.

In response to the carbon monoxide leak that occurred in Fall 2022, OCDEL is providing this opportunity for providers who may need detectors to increase the safety of their staff and the children in their care.

All certified child care providers in Pennsylvania have or will receive an email from School Health (reply @email.schoolhealth.com) with unique promo code and instructions on how to order two free Carbon Monoxide Detectors. The unique promo code will cover purchase and shipping for one purchase (one or two detectors). You should not share or forward the email from School Health because it will contain your unique promo code.

This is a one-time purchase and OCDEL will not cover any other costs for any other reason. This includes lost, broken or malfunctioning devices.
