September 30th is inaugural 'Mobilize Recovery Day'

The Mobilize Recovery Day of Service is a national movement that harnesses the power of the recovery community—including allies, advocates and members—and convenes service projects as an actionable way to uplift one another, inspire civic engagement and give back to the broader community that supported them in their recovery journey.

We’ve all been touched by substance use and mental health challenges.

The recovery community is a powerful group that extends beyond people living with substance and mental health challenges, and those in recovery. It includes family, friends, health care workers, counselors, community service providers, educators, government officials, advocates—all of us who are helping to tackle the substance use and mental health crisis until every person has resources to start their recovery without shame or judgment. Mobilize Recovery Day of Service brings together people from all walks of life to give back to their community—it’s a day that recognizes the recovery community, recovery successes and the power of community engagement.

The inaugural Mobilize Recovery Day of Service will happen on September 30, 2023, marking the culmination of National Recovery Month and coinciding with International Recovery Day. We want everyone to be involved in a way that makes sense for their community. Events can be small—five friends cleaning up their local park—or large, like organizing a food drive in a major city.

Every person living in recovery is thankful for the people and communities that support them. Hand in hand, we can join together to give back. The Mobilize Recovery Day of Service was made possible by the generosity of partners ready to make lasting change.
