Statewide virtual early childhood education summit Oct. 16-18

Since 2008, the annual Early Childhood Education Summit has inspired educators, parents and other professionals to reach for, strengthen and sustain high-quality early care and education and care systems critical to young children and families in Pennsylvania.

A Virtual Summit

The ECE Summit will be a fully Virtual Experience again this year, bringing you the same great content in a robust and engaging way. Each day will feature a Keynote session and four tracks of workshop sessions. There will be opportunities to connect with your peers through live chat, to interact with thought-leaders during Q&A and gain the knowledge you need to enrich your professional development in the care and education of young children. PQAS and Act 48 credit will be available.

Sessions will be recorded and paid attendees will be able to view sessions they missed or are interested in post Summit and earn PQAS and Act 48 credit. Thank you for your support and we hope you will join us in October.

For more information, go here.
