PA Education Dept. identifies 46,714 homeless students in 2022-23

For the 2022-23 program year, education and community agencies identified 46,714 children and youth experiencing homelessness served by Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Program (unique, unduplicated count). The population includes children under the age of five and youth enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 12.

The 'where attributed' (unique) count is based on where the child or youth was identified as homeless and attributed to the local education agency (LEA) (i.e., school district (SD), comprehensive career and technical center (CTC), charter school (CS), cyber charter school, intermediate unit (IU)) or entity (i.e., shelter, non-LEA Early Intervention, prekindergarten program, non-LEA private school/institution). Attribution is based on the LEA that the child or youth was identified by or enrolled in the longest. The unique count is used for state education agency (SEA) EDFacts reporting to the U.S. Department of Education.

The 'where identified' (duplicate) count includes anywhere the child or youth was identified as homeless; children or youth may be identified in more than one LEA or by more than one entity. Children and youth identified by multiple entities are only reported with their LEA(s), as applicable. Children and youth reported with a non-LEA were only identified by that entity. The duplicate count is used for LEA EDFacts reporting.

Counts of 10 or fewer are denoted with an asterisk (*) and included in total counts. Non-LEA entities are grouped by type and reported at the regional level. Non-LEA entity and total counts should not be interpreted as necessarily representing all children and youth experiencing homelessness. Non-LEA entities report only if they receive direct or indirect services from the ECYEH Program.

From Pennsylvania Department of Education
