Three new grant opportunities in criminal justice arena

Four grant opportunities for programs addressing adult and youth criminal justice issues are available.


City of Philadelphia Reentry - Criminal Justice Microgrant Fund

    Description: The Criminal Justice Microgrant Fund provides resources to community-based organizations doing innovative work on criminal justice reform. This work must further the goals of the City’s participation in the MacArthur Foundation Safety and Justice Challenge.
    Application and information
    Deadline: 7/1/22
    Amount: 15 total grants of up to $15,000 each

DOJ OJJDP - FY 2022 Arts Programs for Justice-Involved Youth

    Description: To develop, enhance, or expand art programs for justice-
    involved youth. This program furthers the DOJ’s mission by supporting high-quality art programs for current and previous justice-involved youth, including Tribal and Indigenous youth, to reduce juvenile delinquency, recidivism, and/or other problem and high-risk behaviors. OJJDP defines justice-involved youth as those participating in court-ordered diversion programs, in detention, correctional, or other residential facilities, and/or are on probation due to a delinquency finding by juvenile court.
    Application and information
    Deadline: 8/1/22 (application); 7/18/22 ( registration)
    Amount: 3 total awards nationwide, max grant of $66,500.
    Applicant webinar: 6/28/22, 2pm. Register here.

DOJ OJJDP - FY 2022 Improving Adult and Juvenile Crisis Stabilization and Community Reentry Program

    Description: To enhance or implement clinical services and other evidence-based responses to improve reentry, reduce recidivism, and address the treatment and recovery needs of people with mental health, substance use, or co-occurring disorders who are currently involved in the criminal justice system or were formerly involved.
    Application and information
    Deadline: 8/2/22 (application); 7/28/22 ( registration)
    Amount:5 grants for government entities; 5 grants for nonprofits. Max amount $750,000 total over 3 years.
