Join the Urban Institute for a discussion on how policymakers and researchers can leverage insights from this research to improve American families’ well-being. more
Through its research, policy development, and educational work, the Pennsylvania Policy Center creates the tools organizations need to seek economic justice. more
Access the Affordable Housing & Anchor Institutions resource collection to find recordings from the affordable housing learning community and lots of tools that can help you in this work. more
The rate of firearms deaths in several U.S. states is similar to their frequency in places around the world that are battling civil unrest or bloody gang wars, a new report shows. more
The tax had some impact in slowing down weight gain, and it also produced “small but potentially meaningful declines in the actual prevalence of obesity.” more
The Office of Homeless Services (OHS) conducted a full unduplicated Point-in-Time (PIT) Count of people experiencing homelessness, both sheltered and unsheltered,in Philadelphia, on January. more