Academics create learning community on affordable housing

The Campus Compact Affordable Housing Affinity Network is a community of higher education professionals that explores how higher education anchor institutions can positively contribute to addressing the affordable housing crisis in the U.S.

Across the mainstream media, think tanks, college campuses, communities, and over kitchen tables, a robust discussion is taking place about the housing affordability crisis in the U.S. The crisis affects urban, metropolitan, and rural communities and is particularly acute for low-income families. What is required to repair this housing crisis?  Participants in this affinity network will collectively explore emerging research and promising solutions, discuss, and dive into challenges—including higher education’s role in the crisis, and support one another in developing and implementing strategies.

Learn more and join the network.

Access our Affordable Housing & Anchor Institutions resource collection to find recordings from our recent affordable housing learning community and lots of tools that can help you in your work.

Check out the paper, Universities and Affordable Housing: Seven Case Studies, from the Penn Institute for Urban Research for reflections from an anchor institution roundtable that focused on affordable housing strategies and tactics.
