Data shows 1.37 million students were homeless in 2023

The National Center for Homeless Education has released its latest report on students experiencing homelessness.

Read the report here.

Highlights of the report include (much of below is verbatim from the report):

  • Between SYs 2004-05 and 2022-23, the number of students who experienced homelessness increased by 104%.
  • The number of students identified as homeless increased by an average of 5% annually during that same period.
  • 75% of these children were living doubled up, 11 percent in emergency shelter, 9 percent in hotels/motels, and 5 percent unsheltered
  • 20%of students experiencing homelessness received special education services
  • 22% of students experiencing homelessness were English learners

The number of students who experienced homelessness was fairly evenly distributed across the grades, with 7% to 8% of students who experienced homelessness enrolled in each grade starting with kindergarten. Grade 11 students and students who were aged three- to five-years old but not enrolled in kindergarten are exceptions at 6% and 3%, respectively. The split of students across grades has remained stable since SY 2013-14.

From Yay Babies! - Resilience and Adversity
